From Marist Studies
25 December 1842 — Father Antoine Garin to Father Jean-Baptiste Épalle, Kororareka
Translated by Fr Brian Quin SM, June 2016
[Actually two lists of items needed by the mission properly speaking {Garin} and things needed for the printery {Yvert}. Both lists will be modified by later letters written in 1843: Yvert in doc 231, 7 Jan 1843, and Garin in doc 258, 30 May 1843. Forest, having replaced Garin in Kororareka, will send, on 4 November 1843, a “triplicate” or third form of Garin’s list (doc 283) with the final revision which Yvert will have drawn from his own list.
- [In the hand of Poupinel]
- Bay of Islands (Kororareka), 25th December 1842.
- 3 lists of things asked for by the missionaries in New Zealand.
- Bay of Islands (Kororareka), 25th December 1842, New Zealand
- [1]
- Things and various items thought to be needed right now.
- [2]
- To be dispatched each year for the Fathers and Brothers, of good quality.
- [3]
- For a Father
- 1 spare tricorne hat (the Bishop did not receive any with Father Séon’s dispatch.)
- 1 ditto - good