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24 Jun 1836 — Jean Cholleton to François Pompallier, Lyon

From a photocopy of the original sent, conserved in the archives of the Diocese of Auckland.

= Text of the Letter

[p. 4] Two post marks

Received 4th. July.

Monsignor Pompallier / Vicar Apostolic / of Polynesia / at the Propaganda College in Rome.
[p. 1] My honoured and very dear Lord,
Your letter of the 14th. inst. both edified and interested us all to no end. For my part, I have nothing but very consoling things to say to you. Your worthy collaborators are getting ready by retreat, prayer, meditation on the truths and mysteries of our h(oly) religion. Excellent subjects were presented to replace them; Fr. Besson at the Hermitage, Fr. Berthelon at Valbenoite, Frs. Girard, Primpiet, Poupard at Lyons at Belley.
Fr. Forest has gained the confidence of the students and masters at la Favorite and of our pious friends in the city.
If Miss Jaricot were to make a home for the incurables at Bredan house Frère Jean and sell us [1] on moderate terms the former house of the Lazarists, we would then have a flourishing nursery for Polynesia and the other foreign missions. See if you can find some influential person in Rome to put this great, noble idea to her. Never were our young priests so numerous or more disposed to the apostolic life; it is impossible to find elsewhere as suitable property. Since you are at the source of knowledge and all spiritual treasures, [p. 2] you must take advantage of it, my dear Lord.
1. What does Rome think of Fr. Pastre's idea of introducing the French language into our mission? In the meantime good Fr. Meynis is sending to Paris for the Mellais dictionary.
2. Fr. Pastre wants to know: Utrum Canonicus possit sacrum facere ante officium publicum (matutinam scilicet et laudes in choro) absque privata ejusdem officii recitatione ante sacro-sanctum missae Sacrificium.
3. Would it not be befitting to renew and extend the indulgences attached to the recitation of the prayer of Saint Francis Xavieur for the conversion of infidels: Aeterne rerum omnium effector Deus, memento etc.
4. Would the French ambassador be kind enough to take up with the Minister for the Navy our request for passages on State ships or merchant ships. Keen traders in Bordeaux, Nantes and le Havre should provide us with all the information necessary for your long voyage. I have handed on your letter to Frs. Cattet and my confrères who send you their respectful affection and the help of their prayers and Holy Masses. Overjoyed [p. 3] on my own account to be associated with them in this manner in the works trials and suffering of the new apostles, my health and a thousand and one other worries hardly [2] allow me to participate more fully in these matters. With the most tender and respectful affection, I have the honour of being.
My very respected and dear Lord,
Your most humble and devoted servant
Cholleton V. G.
Lyons 24th. June 1836


  1. at the bottom of the page: the Society of Mary
  2. for: do not