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From France, group three on the way

Around the same time that, with the visit of the second group of missionaries to Wallis and Futuna, and their arrival in New Zealand, the missionary presence in the Pacific increased, the next group set out from France. After the professions on Pentecost Sunday, 19 May 1839, they were ready to leave.[1] Colin gave them some 2.000 francs in small change for travel expenses and on Tuesday 21 May the confreres in Lyon saw Petit-Jean and Viard off on the river-steamer leaving Lyon[2]: a lot more comfortable than the former coaches! As they drew out of the city, they felt the pain of leaving, but the comfort of the ship allowed them to get over it in what Petit-Jean remembers as ‘sweet conversation’. They relaxed after the last minute bustle, and reflected gratefully on the eager care of Poupinel and the concern of their superiors. Mutual support carried them along and they enjoyed each other’s company.

They moved up the Saône and via the canals of Bourgogne they reached Paris where they stayed at the Missions Étrangères. The bursar had already bought what was further needed (a list had been sent ahead), and they only needed to pack things. They visited the Ministry of the Navy and with the letter of recommendation from Archbishop de Pins, and the help of Vigneti, who was an acquaintance of Pierre Colin and secretary at the ministry, they obtained letters of recommendation from the Minister, Duperré, to naval commanders in the Pacific. They visited the Picpus head-house and met with a venerable old priest, an uncle of Fr. Bachelot whose death on the way to Pohnpei had recently become known in Paris.[3] Another steamer took them to Boulogne (although the coach would have been 18 francs cheaper!) where for an extra 1.25 franc they booked a bed on the ferry and reached London twelve hours later, well rested, on Monday 27 May.

Comte, Chevron and Brother Attale left Lyon the 23rd and reached Paris the 25th. They too stayed at the Missions Étrangères and left early the next morning. They made good use of the short time they spent at the seminary listening to the experienced missionaries in charge there, Dubois the rector and Tesson the bursar. The two found the Marists a bit supernatural, trusting too much in Providence. They drew their attention to the importance of the natural sciences, of botany and geology, and invited them to send plant seeds to the botanical society in Paris. Comte listened with some surprise and passed it on to Colin. They went on to Boulogne and crossed over to London where they arrived Tuesday 28 May. On 23 July the departure of five Marists, via London, was mentioned in the Ami de la Religion.[4]


  1. Cf. above, p. 105.
  2. Letters from third group during voyage, APM, 1405/20043. CS, doc. 70 [2].
  3. Bachelot and Maigret had sailed from Honolulu in November 1837, Bachelot died 5 December, Maigret left Pohnpei in July 1838 and reached Valparaiso in December, a few days after Baty cum suis, cf. above, p. 67 and 93. His letters do not mention it, but Petit-Jean must have heard in Paris that the second group had been in Valparaiso in December. Petit-Jean to Colin, 25.05.1839.
  4. L’Ami de la Religion, 23.07.1839 (102), p. 152.

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