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13 July 1848 - Fr J. Forest to Colonial Secretary, Auckland

Reference: Archives NZ https://www.archives.govt.nz/, search for number R23520247
From: J Forest, Roman Catholic Priest, Auckland
To: Colonial Secretary, Auckland
Date: 13 July 1848 Subject: For permission to purchase blasting powder - 1848/1568

[At the top, in administrator’s writing overwriting the letter proper]
13 July 1848 Rom Cath. Priest
For permission to purchase blasting powder
With 48/2341
[letter proper]
Chapel House
July 13th 1848

The Hon the
Colonial Secretary


I shall feel much obliged if you will obtain for me from His Excellency the Governor a License to purchase two casks of Powder for Blasting stone on the North Shore for the Catholic College.

I am
Your obedt Sevt.
J Forest
The powder is to be purchased at Mr Grahams.
[comments by various people]

Approved under xxx instructions as may be thus xxx requisite by the Inspector of Police {illegible signature]

Referred to the Inspector of Police for the above purpose for the Col Sec J Coastes 14 July 48

License granted T Ringrose Atkyns 18th July 1848