doc. 533 — 3 September 1846
Letter from Pierre Rougeyron to Jean-Claude Colin
Cannibalism in New Caledonia
[152] Another time, during the absence of the bishop of Amata [Bishop Douarre], Reverend Father Montrouzier and I went to Pouépo to visit the parish. When we arrived at the last village, we found everybody at arms. Emotion was at its height; we learned that a young man had just been ambushed and taken away by the young chief of that tribe. Several robust men had tied him, hand and foot, and carried him to the house of that chief who, with one swipe of the hatchet, cut his head off. They cut him up in pieces and roasted him for the feast. This young man was only 17 or 18 years old. He was one of the best instructed of my parishioners. The conduct of that young chief who is 20 years old has nothing to surprise you when you realize that he also beheaded his step-mother and his aunt.