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19 October 1848 - Fr J.A.J. Seon to Colonial Secretary, Auckland

Reference: Archives NZ, search for number R23520247

From: H J Leon, Roman Catholic Priest, Auckland
To: Colonial Secretary, Auckland Date: 19 October 1848
Subject: For permission to purchase blasting powder - 1848/2341

[letter enclosed with one dated the next day Oct 19th 1848 related to the same topic]

Chapel House
Octr. 18th 1848


I shall feel obliged if you will give me a licence to procure 2 casks of blasting powder from Messrs Graham for the use of the College on the North Shore.

I am
Your obed. Serv
J.A.J. Séon
Cath priest

To T.R. Aikins [Atkyns] Esqr
Superintendent of Police
Etc. etc.

[response overleaf]

Permission to the within effect must be applied for to the Colonial Secretary, who will procure His Exc y the Govr in Chief’s approval. Permission to purchase two [bags] of Blasting Powder was granted to Mr Forest on the 15th July last. The last of these was applied for by Mr. Petit Jean and [licence] granted for its delivery by Mr W.S. Graham on the 5th Sept last.

T Ringrose Atkyns
18th Octr / 48