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Mr Henry Garnett to Fr Jean-Claude Colin, Bay of Islands, 22 May 1842

Original is in English

To Very Reverend Father Colin, Superior General of the Marists, Lyons
Bay of Ilands,[1] New Zealand, May 22, 1842
Very Reverend Father
I take the opportunity of sending you a few lines by Father Epalle hopeing that they might find you well. I adress you so been[2] your eldest son of my nation. Providance having brought me a great way to put [into] execution the thoughts I had when young as it was. Providance that brought me to New Zealand and to the house of the right Reverend Pompalier;[3] [having?] been two years here; I was engaged to commence my studies the Bishop having promised to send me to France [at] the first opertunity to finish my studies. The Bishop not been here when Father Epalle was obliged to return for the good of the mission; and not been able to fulfill the promises of the Bishop. And I hope that you will consider my situation, as I wish to make a good and solid education and there been no chance here, on acount of the great work of the misson. I have made the vow of obedience,[4] and at presant been one of the your children you are to judje what is best for me. I recommend myself to your prayrs and to the prayrs of all the family of Mary and
I remain your spiritual son
Henry A Garnett


  1. sic
  2. sic - ?being
  3. sic. The fullstop after ‘was’ should be after ‘young’? - translator’s note
  4. Garnett made this vow of obedience in the presence of Father Garin at the Bay of Islands at Pentecost, 15 May 1842 (cf Doc 173, [3]). He went to Belley in France where he was received at the novitiate and entered the Marist scholasticate on 18th April 1843. He left the novitiate and Scholasticate in September 1847 and left the Society without having made the three vows of religious life. [C Girard f/n]

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