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3 November 1843 - Bishop Pompallier to Father Colin, Bay of Islands


Attributes the need to sell the mission ship to lack of money and regular communication. But its loss will only weaken the mission’s fight against heresy. The printer has been a big boost to the success of the mission’s work. But books alone not enough, priests and catechists needed to explain them.

Repeats the difficulties caused by irregularity, slowness of communications, and shortage of men and money. Repeats his earlier claim that if these problems could be overcome, NZ would quickly become entirely Catholic. Also claims that the mission is being betrayed by the views of people who do not know the real situation well enough. Most of the rest of the letter is a development of these problems.

He ends by saying that Father Tripe, after repeated requests to be allowed to return to France, has got his way and has left NZ. Some background to this is given.

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