Guillaume Douarre

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Bishop Guillaume Douarre

See docs 460 and 461

And the external link: Catholic Hierarchy Org


The motto "Salva nos perimus" is "Save us, we are perishing" which is what the disciples said to Jesus when their boat was swamping according to Matthew 8:25.

From Ted Clisby =

In his Introduction to Clisby072 Br Edward Clisby FMS writes:

In May 1851 Douarre lead his missionaries back to Balade for a final attempt on the mainland of New Caledonia. With the arrival the following January of the converts from Futuna, the future of the mission seemed assured. Despite the opposition of influential chiefs and priests, the ravages of epidemics, and the untimely deaths of many catechists, Christianity began to gain ground. But the position was still precarious. Douarre did not live to see real progress, being carried off by an epidemic in April 1853. He died before learning of the fate of three of his Marists, Roudaire, Jean-Baptiste Anliard and his coadjutor brother, Michel, lost off Tikopia, in the north of the New Hebrides, in mysterious circumstances the year before (cf Delbos 94).