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23 March 1843 - Father Chouvet to Father Colin, Kororareka


He is writing shortly after his arrival in NZ. The journey out was long but happy. They called at four places on the way. Later on he will send a journal which he kept en route.

Translation by Merv Duffy SM, January 2025

Small sheet (measuring 193 x 143 mm when folded), "Bath" paper, forming four pages, of which two are written, the third left blank, and the fourth bearing only Poupinel's annotation.

Text of the Letter

[p. 4] [In Poupinel's hand]
Kororareka, 23 March ¤ Father Chouvet

[p. 1]
New Zealand / Kororareka, 23 March 1843

To the Superior General

My Very Reverend Father,
By the grace of God and the protection of Mary, our crossing was most fortunate. It seems to have been quite long, as we made four stops before reaching the Bay of Islands. Altogether, we spent about a month and a half at these various anchorages. We arrived safely at the Bay of Islands after staying for about a week in Auckland, the capital of New Zealand.
We did not follow the example of the fathers who departed immediately before us. They did not see land until they reached New Zealand. As for us, we enjoyed the sight of land multiple times and for extended periods. We admired the coasts of Africa, particularly the shores of Algeria, and made stops in America, Van Diemen’s Land, and New Holland. Providence arranged it this way for us.
I have recounted this little journey in a sort of journal that I wrote, and I will send it to you, God willing, through a safer and less costly opportunity.
I had a very pleasant adventure the day after our arrival at the Bay of Islands. I recounted it in a letter addressed to my former colleagues in the holy ministry. That letter comes after this one. As Bishop Pompallier plays a significant role in that letter, I submitted it for his review, and His Excellency graciously honored me with his full approval.
By the grace of God, I remain, and I hope always to remain, happy to have joined the Society of which you are the founder and superior under Mary. With these sentiments, I particularly request your holy prayers.
Your very humble and very obedient son in Jesus Christ and in Mary,
Chouvet, Apostolic Missionary
[p. 4]
I am beginning to number the letters I send to you.

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