Catholic Missionaries

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Catholic Missionaries in New Zealand 1838-1870


OFM = Order of Friars Minor
OSF = Order of St Francis
SM = Society of Mary


  • ALLETAG, Jean Joseph. ( - 1862)
Born Fribourg, Germany. Arrived N.Z. 1850 with Pompallier, ordained within three months. Worked in the Bay of Islands, and Opotiki-Whakatane (1850-51), back in Auckland by 1852. Returned to Opotiki 1858. Drowned in Waioeka River, 1862.
  • BARSANTI, Ottavio, OSF. ( - 1884)
Arrived N.Z. 1860 as Superior of group of Franciscans, given responsibility for Hokianga, but stayed mostly in Parnell. Quarreled with Pompallier and left for Australia in 1866 after assaulting a priest in the Cathedral. Author of I Protestanti tra i Selvaggi della Nuova Zelanda, an account of missionaries among the Maori.
  • BATY, Claude, SM. (1811-51)
Born St Jean-sur—Reyssouze, diocese of Belley. Arrived in New Zealand 1839, served at Hokianga, (1839-41) and Bay of Islands (1843-49), in between established Matamata station and travelled to Wairoa and the Urewera 1841. Had responsibility for Kaipara 1848—9. Left for Sydney 1850 rather than follow Marists to Wellington.
  • BERNARD, Jean Simon, SM. (1808-1876)
Born Nantes. Arrived N. Z. 1843, served at Tauranga (1843-1850), then briefly at Akaroa (1850—51) and up the Wanganui River (1850-51), before leaving for Australia 1851.
  • BOIBIEUX,François. (1841-1875)
Born France. Arrived N.Z. 1860, ordained 1862. Served at Rotorua (1863—67) and briefly at Tauranga and Auckland. Left for Wellington 1869.
  • BORJON, Michel, SM. (1811-1875)
Born Arbigny, diocese of Belley. Ordained 1837, arrived N.Z. 1841. Worked at Maketu. Drowned at sea when transferring to Wellington 1842.
  • BOURAND, Théophile. ( - )
Born Sens, France. Arrived N.Z. 1850. Sent to Hokianga (1850-53), then to Tauranga and Rangiaowhia, but had left for Sydney by 1855.
  • BREEN, John Joseph Aloysius. ( -1853)
Born Ireland. Arrived N. Z, 1840s, entered St Mary's College seminary and ordained March 1852. Served briefly in Auckland and Whakatane (April -August 1852). Drowned 1853, on way to Opotiki.
  • BUCAS, Pierre Marie. (1840 - )
Born Jean de la Pâterie, Brittany. Said to have been a Swiss Guard in Rome. Arrived in N.Z. 1865, sent to Mangakahia, but left for Australia about 1867.
  • CHOUVET, Joseph Auguste Marie, SM. (1813- )
Born France. Completed a year's novitiate with the Marists. Arrived N.Z. 1843, was stationed at Opotiki (1843-45), but left for France 1846. On his return wrote Un Tour du Monde, a two—volume account of his travels (see bibliography).
  • COMTE, Jean, SM. ( - 1899)
Born diocese of Moulins. Arrived N.Z. 1839, served at Akaroa (1840-41), Maketu and Opotiki (1842-3), then apparently 'Visitor' of southern region, at Port Nicholson. Founded station at Otaki about 1844 but travelled extensively all over the North Island. Left for France in 1854 in obscure circumstances.
  • D'ACKERMANN, Hugo. ( - )
Arrived in N.Z. 1860, ordained 1861. May have worked as a Maori missionary.
  • EPALLE Jean, SM. (1808-1845)
Born diocese of Lyon. Arrived N.Z. June 1839, established Whangaroa station 1840, later served as mission procurator at Kororareka. Appointed Vicar-General and left for Europe 1842.
  • FOREST, Jean, SM. (1804-1884)
Born Chuyer, diocese of Lyon. Arrived N.Z. 1842 as Marist Visitator. Served at Auckland (1845—50), Hutt Valley (1850—59) and Napier (1860-84), until his death.
  • GALOSI, Dominic, OPM. ( —1873)
Born Italy. Arrived N.Z. 1860, became Superior of the Franciscans after the departure of Barsanti. Served at Hokianga and Kororareka (1861-5), and later at Parnell. Returned to Italy 1872 after a disagreement with Bishop Croke.
  • GARAVEL Joseph Marie. (1824-1885)
Born Savoy 1824, studied in Paris. Arrived N.Z. 1850, ordained soon after and sent to Rangiaowhia. 1859 made Vicar Forane with responsibility for the Waikato and fencible settlements. Appointed to Gisborne 1862, but travelled freely throughout central North Island 1862—4. Expelled from Opotiki on government orders, left for Sydney August 1864. Paid a brief return visit to Waikato 1882.
  • GARIN, Antoine Marie, SM. (1810—1889)
Born Saint-Rambert-en-Bugey, diocese of Belley. Worked in a Belley parish and taught in a minor seminary before arriving in N.Z. 1841. Served at Kororareka as local Provincial, then at Kaipara (1844—48), before moving to European parishes at Howick (1848—50), and Nelson.
  • GRANGE, Jean Marie, Order of St Viator. (1823-1879)
Born Lyon. Arrived in N.Z. 1860, ordained next year. Served at Whakatane from 1863, with several interruptions. Appointed to Tauranga in 1871, later returned to Auckland.
  • GREGORI, Joseph, OFM.
Born Italy. Arrived N.Z. 1860, served at Russell/Hokianga (1861-69), later at Otahuhu and North Shore, before leaving with fellow Franciscans 1873.
  • HALLUM or HALUM, Etienne. (1809-1890)
Born Brittany. Arrived N.Z. 1857 by accident, served at Tauranga until 1867, left for the West Coast.
  • KLOTZ, François. ( - )
Born Augsburg, Arrived with Pompallier in 1850, tried missionary life briefly in the north, but left for San Francisco 1851.
  • KUMS, Francois. ( - )
Born Malines, Belgium. Arrived N.Z. 1850, sent to Rotorua in 1852, but fell out with Pompallier, left for Sydney 1853.
Born Mazamet, diocese of Albi. Gained no higher education, became a sergeant in the French army. Entered the novitiate at age of 32, arrived N.Z. 1842, ordained same year. Travelled over most of North Island during service at Hokianga (1842—4), Whakatane (1844-50), Hawkes Bay (1850-52), and Wanganui River (1852-67). Retired from missionary work to European parish service in Wanganui, New Plymouth, Lower Hutt and Kaikoura. Returned to France 1887
  • McDONALD, James. (1827-1890)
Born Kilkenny, Ireland. Arrived N.Z. 1852, made Vicar—General by Pompallier, serving mostly in Auckland. From 1869 priest at Pukekohe/Drury, spent most of his time among the Maori, travelling extensively. Given charge of all Maori missions in Auckland diocese 1880, restricted to the north on the arrival of the Mill Hill Fathers 1887.
  • McDONALD, Walter. (1832-1899)
Born Kilkenny. Followed brother James to N.Z. 1855, ordained 1856. Appointed Pompallier's private secretary, stationed at Auckland, but took frequent trips among the Maori, notably up the east coast to the Bay of Islands (1856-9).
Born Angers. Arrived N.Z. 1843, served at Hokianga (1844—48), Opotiki (1848-50) and Rotorua (1850—51). On being shifted to Wellington worked in European parishes in Wellington, Nelson, Otago and Feilding. for the Wanganui River mission again at age of 70, but died a few months after arrival there.
  • O'HARA, Michael Dominic. (1818—1899)
Born Sligo, Irelard. Arrived N.Z. 1855, served mostly at Auckland and Otahuhu, but sent to Kawhia in 1859, and then to Rangiaowhia (1859-60). Made tours of the Kaipara district from Auckland in the 1860s and 1870s,
  • O'ROURKE, Timothy. ( - )
Born Kerry, Ireland. Educated at All Hallows College, arrived N.Z. 1850, and ordained same year. Served in Auckland, Maketu, the north, and Rotorua (1851—52). Left for Melbourne 1853 due to 'ill-health'.
  • PAIRIER, Hathurin. ( - )
Born Rennes, France. Arrived N.Z. 1850, ordained same year. Sent to Tauranga, visiting Maketu and Rotorua. Left the country by 1853.
  • PASSINETTI, Francis, OFM ( - 1839)
Born Italy, Arrived N.Z. 1860, served at Parnell, then as missionary in the north at Hokianga and Russell, Left N.Z. with other Franciscans in 1873.
  • PAUL, James. (1822-1905)
Born Carlow, Ireland. Arrived N.Z. 1856, served briefly at Rangiowhia (1858) then in Onehunga parish.
  • PERTUIS, Eugène., SM (1830-1906)
Born Le Puy, France. Arrived N.Z. 1859. Served at Wanganui (1860-3), New Plymouth (1863—5) and Hutt Valley (1866-71), with charge of Wairarapa and Manawatu. Later served at Ahaura (South Island) ard Hawera. Twice (1869—70 and 1879) proposed restarting Maori missions, but projects came to nothing.
Born Wimille (Pas de Calais), France. Arrived N.Z. 1839. Served at Kaipara (1840—1), and Hokianga (1841—51). Requested permission to return to France, left 1852.
Born Mornant, near Lyon. Arrived N.Z, 1839, served at Kororareka (1839-40), Whangaroa (1841-2), Auckland (1843-5), 1848-9) and Bay of Islands (1845-8), before moving to Wellington, where he worked in European parishes. Made a notable trip through Maori and Pakeha settlements in the South Island 1857
Born Chanonat, diocese of Clermont. Seminary studies in Paris, then worked in a country parish before arriving N.Z. 1840. Served at Tauranga (1841—43), founded mission at Rangiaowhia (1844-50), then at Wanganui town (1851—68), with regular visits to Taranaki and Rangitikei. Later at Blenheim and Picton.
  • POMPALLIER, Jean-François Baptiste. (1802-1871)
Born Lyon. Bishop of Maronea and Vicar Apostolic of Western Oceania 1836-1848; Apostolic Administrator and later Bishop of Auckland 1848—1868. Left for France 1868.
Born Chateaubriard, France. Seminary studies in Nantes, and work there for five years before arriving N.Z. 1842. Worked at Opotiki (1842—3), Rotorua (1844-51) and Hawke's Bay until his death. Travel led widely throughout the East Coast, Bay of Plenty, Taupo and Hawke's Bay.
Born France. Arrived N. Z. 1841, worked briefly at the Bay of Islands, but returned to France soon after.
  • ROYER , Emanuel .( - )
Arrived N.Z. 1860, ordained following year and served at Tauranga. Unspecified misbehaviour led to his expulsion from the diocese 1864.
Born Neuville-sur-Sâone, near Lyon. Arrived N.Z. 1841, served at Opotiki (1841-2), Whangaroa (1842-4) and Bay of Islands (1844-50). Made rector of St Mary's College, North Shore, but fell out with Pompallier and left for France 1852.
  • SEGALA, Jean. ( - )
Born Mende, France. Arrived N.Z. 1850, ordained same year and served at Opotiki for most of 1850s, for spell as principal of St Mary's College, Freeman's Bay (1856—7). Appointed Vicar Forane for Maori missions 1859, but returned to France 1861.
Born Lyon. Arrived N.Z. 1841, served at Matamata (1841-4), Kororareka (1843-4) and Auckland (1844-50), from where he seems to have visited Hauraki and Opotiki. Transferred to Wellington, served in European parishes. Later worked with Maori communities in Hutt Valley and Wairarapa until retirement to Meeanee 1872.
Born Grézieu—le Marché,near Lyon. Arrived N.Z. with Pompallier 1838, worked in Hokianga (1838-42), where he compiled a fine ethnological account of the Maori, later published (see bibliography). Transferred to Futuna 1842.
Born Fréjus, France. He was not a Marist, but a priest who volunteered his services on a trial basis. Pompallier took him to Akaroa on the Sancta Maria, arriving on 20 October 1840, and left him there with charge of the French colonists. He became discouraged by the religious indifference shown by most and returned to Kororareka in mid-November 1842. A year later he left to return to France.
Born Lyon. Ordained 1834. Arrived N.Z. December 1839, worked at Tauranga (1840-1), then in the Pacific Islands (1841-5). Bishop of Orthosia 1846, Apostolic Administrator and later Bishop of Wellington, 1848-1872.
  • VINAY, Laurence. ( - )
Born France. Arrived N.Z. 1860, ordained soon after. Appointed to Rangiaowhia 1865, but served predominately European flock as most Maori had moved away. Returned to France 1871.

Marist Brothers

  • Br AMARANTE (Anthelme Billemaz)
Left France 1845, served briefly in New Zealand 1845-6?
Born France. Arrived N.Z. 11 July 1840. Within a month of his arrival he left the Society. He died on 9 December 1840 at Kororareka after a shooting accident while hunting.
  • Br ARCHAL (?)
Arrived N.Z. 1860, nothing known.
  • Br ATHANASE (Jean Broyer) (1832-1915)
Arrived N.Z. 1862, worked at Hawkes Bay. [See Marist Taonga 21 March]
Born Le Puy, France, Arrived N.Z. 1841 , worked at Kororareka, Whangaroa, Rotorua and from 1851 Napier, where he died. [See Marist Taonga 23 April]
Born Lyon. Arrived N.Z. 1840, worked at Hokianga (1840-45) Opotiki (1845—50) then Nelson. [See Marist Taonga 5 November]
Working at the Hokianga 1842, nothing more known.
Born St-Etienne, France. Arrived N.Z. 1842, drowned at sea with Fr Borjon. [See Marist Taonga 31 August]
Born Condrieu, France. Arrived N.Z. 1839, worked at Hokianga, Whangaroa, Kororareka and Whakatane , then transferred to Wellington diocese. Worked on Wanganui River station with Fr Lampila from 1852. [See Marist Taonga 24 April]
Born France. Arrived N.Z. 1841 worked at Kororareka, Waikato, Hutt. Returned to France 1852. [See Marist Taonga 27 November]
Born diocese of Lyon. Arrived N.Z. 1841, served at Tauranga, Rotorua, Opotiki. Briefly in South Island (1850-51) then at Otaki and Wanganui. Killed at battle of Moutoa. [See Marist Taonga 14 May]
Born Lyon, France. Arrived N.Z. 1839, worked at Kororareka, Akaroa, Auckland, then at Hawkes Bay from 1850, Left for Sydney 1869. [See Marist Taonga 23 July]
Born Chamelet (Rhone), France. Arrived N.Z. 1841 served at Maketu, Opotiki, Waikato, Tauranga before more to Wellington 1850. Returned to France 1857. [See Marist Taonga 7 June]
Arrived in N.Z. in 1842. Trained as a carpenter he remained at Kororareka except for brief stints at Tauranga in 1844 and Purakau in 1849. He went to Wellington with the 1850 Marist exodus and served briefly in Akaroa. Back in Wellington he was unsettled and left the Society. Viard's diary records him sailing on the Mumford for Hobart on 23 March 1854 after which there is no further record of him. Of the 15 brothers who came to New Zealand in this first wave, he was the only one who did not belong to Fr Champagnat's Little Brothers of Mary. He was one of the first accepted and trained by Fr Colin as a coadjutor brother, not a teacher.
Arrived with Pompallier and Servant in 1838. He remained at the Hokianga station till the arrival of Group II in mid-1839 when he was transferred to Kororareka. In mid-1840 he left the Marists, though for a few years retained some link with them by acting as a catechist at Whangaroa. Later he lost contact. His last years were at Reefton where he was a jobbing gardener known as Antonio Michel, alternatively "Jimmy the Gardener". He died there on 14 March, 1880, aged 68, and is buried in Reefton Cemetery as Antonio Michel. [See Jan Snijders, A Mission too Far]
Born France. Arrived N.Z. 1841. Before joining the brothers he had done some seminary studies, and both Colin and Pompallier had encouraged him to resume his study of theology privately in New Zealand with the priesthood in view. But the demands of Kororareka left little opportunity for this and Pierre’s health deteriorated. Travelling on the Rhin from Akaroa with Pompallier and Chouvet in 1846, he returned to France where he filled several responsible posts in Marist Brothers' schools till his death on 25 August 1873, aged 78.